I strive to keep Pen & Willow full of as much purpose as possible. This being said it isn't always easy. When I started this business I was more focused on what products to make and growing my follower count than why I actually started.
In September of 2020 I decided that there needed to be a change. So I set out to gain clarity, become more cohesive, and more purpose oriented than product oriented. After lots of thinking I decided that the best plan would be to do a relaunch. I set November 1st as the official date for the relaunch of Pen & Willow, this gave me about two months to become more rooted in purpose.

During this time I created our little website, did a cohesive feed course, and made some products I really LOVED. Some things that helped me get organized were creating a color palette and a couple basic brand pillars. Brand pillars are the main topics you share about or focus on. Now I make sure that every product and Instagram post fits under one of my brand pillars. Another big thing I try to do is make sure that every single product has a unique purpose, but can also tie back into the purpose of Pen & Willow.
All this to say, during my journey to more clarity and purpose in my business I have learned some important lessons I want to share with you! First off it is important to remember that the journey of your business isn't going to be a straight line, if you need to stop and regain focus that is ok! Second, make sure to outline your brand pillars. Find out what your passions are within your business, and focus on them. And lastly figure out YOUR businesses purpose. Then make sure to have all your products tie back into that!
And remember, purpose doesn't pause in the waiting for clarity.
- Mackenzie